The 2024 round has closed – congratulations to winner Holden Hoover. The 2025 round is open for submissions

The APL Forge


Existing Ideas

Here are some ideas for that would be appropriate projects for APL Forge submissions:

  • A tool that takes a URL and extracts the HTML tables from that webpage in a format suitable for further processing and/or querying with APL (matrix/namespace/vector of vectors).
  • A layer for a Jarvis/MiServer/DUI website to communicate with a backend database.
  • A GUI for choosing options for ⎕CSV import and export, maybe with a preview of what a given file/array will look like when imported/exported. Then produce the required APL expression and/or take the action.
  • NumPy in APL: A namespace with (most of the) members of NumPy, but implemented in APL.
  • Library of Combinators.
  • Mesh generation using quadtrees.
  • Library for easy 2D game rendering and visualisations based on Pixel Game Engine.
  • Finite element analysis.
  • 3D printer support.
  • Solving Sudoku with back tracking.
  • RISC-V CPU emulator: Program that reads a file compiled with gcc -march=rv64imafd -mabi=lp64d and executes it. Maybe Blinkenlights could be the inspiration for design?
  • BusyBox for the interpreter: The BusyBox implementation of standard CLI tools provides a large list of utilities. Design and implement a library of functions that allows comfortable use of the interactive session, like a command line with BusyBox available.
  • CI/CD System: Build and implement a continuous integration system, similar to Jenkins or GitHub Actions. This would demonstrate the unique architecture opportunities that APL offers.
  • Zip file library wrapping 219⌶.
  • A basic authentication/authorisation module for a Jarvis/MiServer/DUI website.

Add Your Idea

Do you have an idea of your own, but would like someone else to have a go at it? Let us add it to the above list! Send us a sentence or two that describes your idea. You can email or use this form:

By submitting your idea, you relinquish all rights to it.

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